i like it
What else can i say? It is what it is and it's well done. Offhand i
can't think of anything that would substantially improve it.
i like it
What else can i say? It is what it is and it's well done. Offhand i
can't think of anything that would substantially improve it.
black on very dark grey is hard to read
The tutorial for AS isn't useful because black font on a very dark
grey background is next to impossible to read.
nice, but...
the actionscript needs some fine tuning.
For instance, the head's y-scale can be increased to the
point that it potentially blocks access to the button that
decreases it, so if the player wants to make it smaller he's out
of luck. The script should be changed so that the changed
head doesn't block the buttons, or else the buttons should
be moved to a place where they won't be blocked.
That's not a problem with actionscript, I just needed to put the buttons on a layer higher than the guy's head, which I have now done and updated the file. Thankyou for the review.
a suggestion
To make it more interesting, replace the black dot with a graphic
a person and then make the person "hide" in a crowd. That way
the player has to try to find the target before clicking on it.
not bad
The sound loop gets to be more a distraction than anything
else after awhile, but the graphics are nice.
Instructions would be the best addition you could make to this
game; i sorta got what the rules might be after a few tries and
pressing the hint button a number of times, but it would be more
enjoyable if one didn't have to puzzle out what the rules are to
solving the puzzle.
very well done
not bad
background music would be a nice addition.
good job
This is sooooooo much better than some of the stuff i've seen
lately. It deserves every 5 that it gets.
Es gefaellt mir.
"Being did not grow into plurality; its very unity was a plurality; but plurality implies Difference, and unity-in-plurality involves Identity." --Plotinus
statistical analysis
dan zan ryu
Joined on 4/16/03