OK, but...
...the text is very hard to read.
OK, but...
...the text is very hard to read.
so? Thx for the review
not complete
I can see that you've put time into this, but
it doesn't seem to work. Once an item is selected
there doesn't seem to be any way to actually
work with it.
there's something missing
According to the instructions, one checks one's
guess by pressing 'set' (or is it 'get'?).
Where, pray tell, is that button? Without that
button, the game is effectively broken.
If the 'set' was somewhere obvious, i would have
given you a MUCH higher score for this game.
a suggestion
When the person misses the ball, rather than
jumping immediately to the frame with the replay
button, have the replay button appear on the scene
with the games score so that a person has at
least a second to look at it, or else make the
score appear on the frame that has the replay
hot diggity
Great movie. Only missing method would have been
to have stick drink some poison, turn strange
psychedelic colors, puff up, and then explode
on the top of the cliff.
Again, GREAT movie.
a suggestion
Include a pair of ballet shoes, if you don't
think that's too much associated with the
fetish scene. Maybe give her a flourescent green
stick to hold instead of the lollipop (choice
between stick and candy).
This is one of the better dressup games i've
seen on NG.
As far as the fetish thing, I was kinda going in that direction when i made it. But, What is the significance of the green stick? sorry
if you're open to suggestions
mini flash movies that continuously loop and are
too small to really have a plot are much funnier
and more interesting to a viewer if they have
easter eggs in them. I liked the pirate piece
the best. It would have been more fun, though,
if the clocks did *something* different when i
rolled the mouse cursor over them. They could
jump into the air, say something, brandish a
sword.....get the idea?
Good idea!
This movie has 3 easter eggs, but none are seen in any of the Loops.
not bad
Overall good. Some suggestions though:
1. Since it looks rather lame to have a word
cut off or to have the period of a sentence
way out like this comma , you
might suggest minimum/maximum number of letters
for the words the user types in. Either that or
format the text in such a way as to make the
spacing automatically correct.
2. If you want a challenge, set up a script that
determines whether to use "a" or "an" in front
of the inputted word.
I would do all that, but I don't have enough Flash skills to know how to do that.
"Being did not grow into plurality; its very unity was a plurality; but plurality implies Difference, and unity-in-plurality involves Identity." --Plotinus
statistical analysis
dan zan ryu
Joined on 4/16/03